Grief Amid The Pandemic: How To Show Love And Support Through Social Distancing
The modern lifestyle seems to have come to a standstill during this pandemic, but life continues as it always has. Births and deaths are happening every day, forcing people to deal with big life changes during a crisis. At Arbutus Funeral Service, we know just how difficult it can be to deal with grief in normal circumstances, but it can be even more challenging to deal with it during a pandemic. Here are a few tips on how to show love and support in the time of social distancing:
1. Keep in Touch
Grieving individuals shouldn't be left alone and in isolation, but there's no real alternative during a pandemic. The best way to show them support without being present physically is to stay in touch. You can call, message or email regularly to maintain a connection and offer support.
2. Help If You Can
If a grieving individual is staying alone, find ways to help them. They are likely to stop eating or taking care of themselves in times of sadness and distancing. You can order food for them, call neighbors to ask about the individual’s welfare, and even check if they’re online on social media.
3. Video Conferences
Some people feel more connected to others when they can see them. Video conferencing is a great way to see the entire family in times of social distancing. You can set up a Zoom meeting or use Skype to connect with family. Conferences will help people feel less alone and give them something to focus on aside from their sadness.
Have any questions about cremation and related funeral services during a pandemic? Just contact us or give us a call (604) 888-9895. We at Arbutus Funeral Service will be happy to help.