Local Cemeteries in Langley British Columbia

Cemetery Locations Township of Langley

Fort Langley Cemetery
23105 St. Andrews Avenue 

Langley Lawn Cemetery
4393 - 208 Street 

Murrayville Cemetery 
21405 - 44 Avenue 

Mailing Address:
4700 – 224 St
Langley, British Columbia V2Z 1N4

Ph: 604-534-5965

Gardens of Gethsemani Catholic Cemetery

15800 32 Ave
Surrey, BC V3Z 9V1
Ph: 604-531-2141

Weekdays: 9am-4pm
Saturdays: 9am-4:30pm
Sundays: *Closed

Cemetery Locations City of Surrey

Surrey Centre Cemetery

16671 Old McLellan Road, Surrey BC

Sunnyside Lawn Cemetery
14850 - 28th Avenue, Surrey BC

Hazelmere Cemetery

19198 - 16th Avenue, Surrey BC

City of Surrey Cemeteries - Administration Office
6348 - 168th Street, Surrey BC  V3S 3Y1

Phone:  604-598-5770